Thursday 9 May 2013


Science, technology and innovation (ST&I) are important drivers for socio-economic development. The level and quality of research undertaken by any country depends to a large extent on which government policies underpin effective development of robust research and innovation systems in those countries. It has been shown that countries that have substantially invested in their ST&I sectors enjoy returns from such investments that are many times higher than the direct investment made into the sector. This is because of the cross cutting nature of ST&I that creates spins off and which positively impact other sectors of the economy.

How then can Kenya harness its ST&I potential to leapfrog into the middle class economy? I want to propose for the establishment of a Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). The accenting to the Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) Bill 2012 by the Hon. President ushers in a new dawn for ST&I sector in the country and the proposed allocation of 2% GDP to ST&I presents new avenues for advancement of ST&I in the country. This will basically reorganize Kenya’s ST&I system that functioned in fragmented dockets by offering frameworks for clear centralized coordination and effective funding of ST&I activities in the country. In the past when Kenya has had such ministry lumped together with other ministries, Science and technology has always remained an appendage if not a department within the ministries with very little attention given to matters of Science and technology.

Most rapidly developing economies such as the BRICS, (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have substantially leveraged their economic development using ST&I with a lot of success. These countries have established a Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation to drive their national development programs on research and innovation. According to the global competitiveness report (2012/13), these countries proportional share of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is huge when compared to Kenya. For instance, China claims 14.32% of the global GDP with a GDP investment on ST&I of 1.6% compared to Kenya’s 0.09% and a GDP investment to ST&I of 0.4%. Equally, other Russia, Brazil and India with global percentage GDPs of 3.02, 2.91 and 5.65 have had impressive investments in ST&I which have significantly contributed their overall development pacing them at the frontline of advanced and emerging technologies in biotechnology, nanotechnology, space science and nuclear science. Kenya cannot afford to remain in its present state but have to take cue from the BRICS and move forward by setting pace for other players in the East African region and other countries in the continent.

The Ministry of Science and Technology am proposing should be able to among other things coordinate and promote matters of science and technology through development of efficient systems for acquisition, use, transfer and management of ST&I and a framework for institutional re-engineering if Kenya has to sustainably and effectively use ST&I to achieve Vision 2030 targets. The Ministry will provide a strong enabling environment to key sectors of the economy such as agriculture, health, education, transport and communication to grow the country's economy besides attracting foreign investment for national socio-economic growth. With the recently discovered deposits of oil, coal, and other minerals in the country and taking into consideration the high potential for green energy such as wind and solar energy and in the long term nuclear power, we only need strong programs and coordination to tap into such resources. This can be offered by a substantive Ministry of Science and Technology.

Once created MOST will be the coordinating institution of all other stakeholders in the sector including National Commission for Science and Technology (NACSTI), National Research Foundation and Kenya National Innovation Agency. This will ensure that there is greater harmony in ST&I policy prioritization, coupled with a coherent implementation of identified priority ST&I programme and projects by disengaging policy issues with implementation. NACSTI will be instrumental in bringing ST&I stakeholders under one umbrella body for effective coordination & implementation of ST&I Policy activities and expanding ST&I activities to the county levels in line with both the national development agenda and the New Constitution that will help tap into the resources available in those areas for the locals and the whole country benefits. In this way, the country will be able to effectively exploit and generate new knowledge for transformative socio-economic impact through programs that will ensure that Kenya develops a skilled human population, dynamic information and communication infrastructure and an effective innovation system. Development of these critical components requires strategic policy planning and implementation, substantial national budgets with clear milestones that can only be coordinated from a substantive Ministry and not a department.

Already, Kenya has taken off very well in the ICT sector with products such as MPESA and the Konza Technology City, the proposed standard gauge railway, and the LAPPSET project to mention but a few, to transforming Kenya into a modern, globally competitive middle income economy move towards knowledge based economy ST&I must be given priority.

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