Thursday 18 July 2013


The Eastern Africa region is greatly endowed.  What with the diversity of resources including natural, agricultural, big water bodies and increasing human capital. Yet amidst all these wealth we still face the challenges of food insecurity, climate change access to education, clean water, and affordable energy and health services.

Competitiveness is increasingly important to succeed in the global economy and not only for individual countries but also for regions.  We now have economic blocks. It is widely appreciated that investment and application of science and technology is key to solve these challenges and more besides promoting socioeconomic development. How then do we harness ST&I for region competitiveness?

Through concerted efforts, East Africa region must improve its competitiveness to enhance the region’s economy and improve the living standard of estimated 148 million inhabitants and not be left behind in the globalization wave. We cannot afford to work in isolation; it’s high time we realize that our boundaries should not separate us and must stimulate economic growth by sharing the available resources. Thought the different member states have laid down strategies and road maps on where they would like to be economically, politically and socially, it is also important to think regionally.

                The East Africa Community formed in 1948, collapsed in 1977 and re established in 1999 should be strengthened and actualized so that we do no not have it as a treaty on paper alone.  The good will is there as science and technology is one of the modalities laid out in the treaty as an important component to regional integration and fostering economic development. The East Africa Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO) hosted by Rwanda was further established to promote regional development and application of research Science and Technology.

What modalities will ensure that the integration spirit is deepened and that we all achieve a win win situation through the treaty?

                 I believe that human resource development and especially in science and technology could help the region leap frog to catch up with the rest of the world.  This can be achieved through harmonized capacity building programmes.  The region boosts of an Interuniversity Council of East Africa with membership of Universities in the 5 member states. The Council needs to be strengthened to offer capacity building opportunities across the region through harmonized programmes and develop competitive world class universities. Also the establishment of centres of excellence will help curb prevalent brain drain in this region and also attract enrolments from other parts of the continent.  Integration will also be deepened though student and faculty exchange programmes.

Another critical area is research. Research in Agriculture, Human and animal health, mineral exploration besides other critical areas can be much effective when resources are pooled together.  In this regard, we need to benchmark with each other, share our experience and expertise, infrastructure and facilities. This is the only way we can enhance the application of research outputs into goods and services and foster innovation. Likewise it is easier to attract international funding.
Having highlighted on the vast resources available to this great region, I believe that we can market ourselves better as a block rather than going it alone as individual countries. Therefore we must endeavor to increase competitiveness of exports from this region through value addition.
Partnerships will help us avoid duplication of efforts and maximize the utilization o available resources, infrastructure and expertise to fast track development in the Eastern block. It is therefore imperative that we enhance existing fora for cooperation and examine the need for new mechanisms in order to improve the coordination and information sharing process. We indeed have a lot to learn from each other and fora that link scientists and policy makers in the region must be encouraged to bring in the diversity of ideas through dialogue sharing and make science technology and innovation impact felt in the lives of our inhabitants.

Promoting the spirit of undugu and brotherhood is the sure way of ensuring concerted efforts and investments towards sustainable socioeconomic development in this great region.



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