can provide answers to social economic challenges we face if carried out with credibility.
Researchaudits are important to ascertain that research projects are carried out without any form of misconduct from the beginning to the end of the project life cycle. Research audit involves
analysis of critical issues including what researches are being carried out, how they are carried out and assessment of their benefit to the society.
Researchaudits are important to ascertain that research projects are carried out without any form of misconduct from the beginning to the end of the project life cycle. Research audit involves
analysis of critical issues including what researches are being carried out, how they are carried out and assessment of their benefit to the society.
One of the key issues in any project is how availed resources are being utilized.
Auditing ensures effective management of resources involved in the research undertaking
including finances. Research money should never be used for personal gain and researchers
are discouraged against mismanaging research funds and diverting it for unintended motives.
Auditing ensures effective management of resources involved in the research undertaking
including finances. Research money should never be used for personal gain and researchers
are discouraged against mismanaging research funds and diverting it for unintended motives.
Integrity in research is a virtue that needs to be upheld among our researchers to avoid situations where funders are in pains explaining how public funds were used.
Any research work must be original and has not been funded before. Research audit enables funders to decipher projects that are plagiarized and work that has been supported
As research is carried out to benefit the society, research findings need to be applied for socioeconomic development and so they have to be credible. An audit at the end of a research project reveals the credit worth of the project and ascertains that the objectives were met.
Research using human or animals as subjects should be done ethically,carried out in ways that do not expose them to any harm as stipulated by guidelines provided by different ethical review committees that govern this type of research undertakings.
For National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (Nacosti) funded projects, a monitoring and evaluation unit screens through research projects reports as well as conductsite visits where they also sensitize researchers on monitoring and evaluation in order to
increase their capacity for selfassessment in order to curb delays experienced when carrying out their projects.
Midterm and end term evaluation findings reveal that most researchers do not submit their
quarterly reports as required. To date, Nacosti has supported over 1,000 research and
quarterly reports as required. To date, Nacosti has supported over 1,000 research and
innovation projects at a cost of Sh1.2 billion. During the 2013/2014 financial year the Institution
was allocated a budget of Sh401 million to support more research in the country.
was allocated a budget of Sh401 million to support more research in the country.
Nacosti advises the strengthening of monitoring and evaluation systems in universities and
research institutions to make sure that research projects carried out in these institutions
research institutions to make sure that research projects carried out in these institutions
can impact on lives of ordinary citizen, contribute to economic development in terms of creating employment opportunities and wealth creation towards sustainable development.
Research audit results are key to inform funders on areas where researchers need to
improve and we urge our researchers to adopt recommendations from monitoring and
evaluation exercises to improve the effectiveness of their projects.Research audits should not only focus on adherence to budget guidelines or progress timelines but can also be used to
identify areas where no or very minimal research is being carried out while also advise on emerging fields and areas which need more research.
Priority funding must be given to research projects aimed at meeting needs of society and
which offer recommendations on how best we can fast track the achievement of Vision
which offer recommendations on how best we can fast track the achievement of Vision
2030. We also need to monitor research projects undertaken lest we carry out research only
for research sake having not considered how the findings can be utilized for development.
The pledge to allocate of two per cent of her GDP to research and development ranks Kenya among top nations dedicated to research led development. Researchers in the country can maximize on this great opportunity and
spearhead research projects able to transform our country.
for research sake having not considered how the findings can be utilized for development.
The pledge to allocate of two per cent of her GDP to research and development ranks Kenya among top nations dedicated to research led development. Researchers in the country can maximize on this great opportunity and
spearhead research projects able to transform our country.
For instance we urgently need to salvage about seven million Kenyans who face drought and
starvation each year due to unreliable rainfall and climate change. We should ask
ourselves: Do we need better seed varieties? or agriculture-smart technologies? I challenge the researchers in this country to unravel this.