Wednesday 19 September 2012


The term “science and technology diplomacy” means the provision of science and technology advice to multilateral negotiations and the implementation of the results of such negotiations at the national level. It, therefore, covers activities at both international level and national level pursuant to international commitments.
Science and technology have become key drivers of international relations and  knowledge in  key fields  is an essential prerequisite to effective international negotiations. Understanding the trends in science and technology globally is also a key element for successful national implementation of international agreements.
Agri-biotechnology for instance, has spurred public debate world over and is expected to induce changes in international relations among countries.

The Globalization wave is evident in all sectors of the world economy and science and technology is no exception. Since we cannot downplay its tremendous effects to shape and influence how we do business, and relate with other countries, the fundamental question is how do we utilize science and technology for diplomatic purposes?  The country need not wait for its competitors in tourism, horticulture, tea and coffee industry to capture its markets and then cry foul. We can adapt to changes in the global market through international relations to enhance our competitive- ness. Most of the global challenges facing the 21st Century such as climate change, food security, water and energy shortages, poverty eradication, and nuclear non-proliferation are no longer possible without the use of Science Technology and Innovation (STI). Science-particularly in the form of international collaborative partner- ships must play a pivotal role in ad- dressing these issues.
Humanity now faces many common challenges that can be addressed most effectively if nations pool and leverage their assets. There are two key features of the growth of scientific and technological knowledge that are central to international negotiations.
First, scientific knowledge is becoming increasingly specialized and there- fore demands greater expert input into international negotiations. Second, the application of science and technology to development requires the ability to integrate the divergent disciplines that are needed to solve specific problems. The influence and effectiveness of diplomats and inter- national civil servants increasingly depend upon the extent to which they can mobilize scientific and technical expertise in their work.
This should spur human resource development in science and technology to meet these global demands. Scientific collaboration allows for opportunities for training and research through the international exchange of researchers, joint research and international distribution of science and technology related information.
Indeed it has enabled the success of joint projects in advanced research fields for instance space and marine sciences.  Closer  home the  Kenya - South Africa collaboration in science and technology has enabled researchers in the two countries to undertake research  in water and human medicine through research  grants availed by the two countries.

Opportunities for Kenya through STI Diplomacy include: Establishing systems through which Kenya and other governments collaborating with her will help each other by strengthening capabilities to be able to independently resolve their problems and become self-reliant.
For instance the establishment of Universities of excellence within the East African block would help the member countries to train their countrymen using modern infrastructure already available in other countries to help cut costs and reduce duplication.
Sending Kenya’s excellent research results to the world has the potential to increase the country’s competitiveness by proposing its use for the benefit of human society. M-pesa is a classic example.


Science and Technology is playing a central role in national economies all over the world and is also claiming increasing ground in the political arena.
Scientific technologies have brought revolutionary changes to virtually all sectors; take the example of the great leaps that have been realized in the medicine field, which have enabled the complete sequencing of the human genome and the cloning of the Dolly sheep. In agriculture, science has played a critical role in ensuring food security by the innovation of high yielding and drought resistant seeds as well as herbicide and pesticide tolerant plant varieties.

The explosion witnessed in the ICT pendency and connectivity and globalization and competition have drastically increased leading to increased world trade patterns and economic relations.
It is worthwhile to note that the tools of progress are within our reach. Science in general is not evolving in a socio-economic vacuum. The African public and politicians should have a direct interest in scientific advances and technological developments and should participate in the debate. With the experience of the industrialized nations-America and  the European countries together with Asian countries, which  have greatly improved their societies  after taking  up scientific technologies, Africa can embrace Science and Technology (S&T) as the propelling force needed to drive its hungry and poor nations into a food and energy secure dome, raising  the living standards of its inhabitants.
Science & Technology as the major propelling force of development gives rise to a set of issues and questions. For a better understanding of S&T and its applications, Africa requires familiarization with a wide range of issues. This would include; how to use S&T as the acting principle in decision making, how to implement scientific inventions, where to allocate resources and also how to measure our progress.
With the political, social and economic dynamics in mind, we should work towards renewing and broadening of scientific education at all ages, keeping pace of time. Incorporating science in the school curricular right from primary schools, secondary schools and the university level as a bridge from technology to the society should be encouraged to close the science knowledge gap.
In this connection, particular attention needs to be paid to the un- equal access to education as one of the main causes of the inequalities between men and women. Access to all levels of schooling can play a big role in expanding and enhancing the involvement of women in science and technology.
The control of science and technology is a domain that is overwhelmingly male dominated and yet the full participation of women in the development and application of S& T is critical to the socio-economic development of African countries. Social is- sues, for instance access to clean water a fuel are considered a woman’s business. Applying technologies like rainwater harvesting or turning waste water into safe drinking water and use of solar energy would greatly ease the burden off their shoulders.
Previously, academic science was divided into physics, biology, chemistry, geology and mathematics. The disciplines have now been used as building blocks for interdisciplinary research that cuts across the borders of the different fields, and the idea of creating a new academic field out of such research is taking shape.
Creation of “interdisciplinary science” would pave way for intensive interdisciplinary research making full use of and integrating the existing techniques and concepts of natural science in order to reach a deeper understanding of science and also form a new comprehensive academic system never seen before.



The Vision 2030 has placed new demands on Technical & Vocational E d u c a t i o n   a n d Training (TVET) as a leading engine  that the economy must essentially rely upon to produce adequate levels of middle level  work force that  will be needed to drive the economy to- wards the attainment of the vision. For a very long term TVET has been shunned because of the poor perception that it is training ground for “failures” yet we need manpower with hands-on skills to work in our industries. Universities basically produce managers. Who will they manage if we do not train more technicians to work under them?  TVET institutions offer opportunity for many young people to gain technical skills both for self and formal employment.
There is therefore need to modernise the institutions so that they can offer quality technical training that is needed in the country. Whereas the ratio of engineers: technologists: technicians: artisans in developed countries stands at 1:2:4:12, the same ratio is 1:3:12:60 in developing countries. Best practices from countries like Germany, Australia and Korea with vibrant and focused TVET policies, and strategies have shown that TVET can provide human re- source for Kenya’s industrial trans- formation. A paradigm shift from time-bound, curriculum-based training to flexible and competency-based training is necessary for the revitalisation process. The taskforce on realignment of higher education, science and technology to the new Constitution proposes the introduction of flexible TVET programmes and modular training to enhance access to TVET.
The training programmes should be designed so as to operate within a framework, which  leads to life- long education and facilitates-in- novation and creativity; continuation of training for improvement of professional qualifications and updating of knowledge, skills and understanding.
Likewise there must be complementary education for those receiving technical, vocational and education training in the form of on-the-job training or other training in institutions or other facilities.
Teaching methods should encourage the linkage between science and technology on one hand and the learner’s culture and environment on the other as a way of improving the learning outcome and validating indigenous knowledge and technology for sustain- able development.
Incorporation of entrepreneur- ship skills and education could foster innovation and promote technology diffusion by equip- ping the TVET graduates with the ability to absorb, process, and integrate new ideas into production and service delivery.
TVET institutions must partner with similar or higher institutions, nationally and internationally for best practice and synergy. We need science and technology know-how to harness our resources, industrialise and participate in the global knowledge economy.
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics teaching must  equip graduates with skills relevant to market needs and ability to produce scientific knowledge and technological innovation that will contribute to development of globally  competitive knowledge- based society.